Working on a Vision: Being a EURECA-PRO Project Manager at MUL
The EURECA-PRO Alliance consists of Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria), Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany), Technical University of Crete (Greece), Universidad de León (Spain), Silesian University of Technology (Poland), University of Petrosani (Romania), University of Applied Sciences Mittweida (Germany), Hasselt University (Belgium) and University of Lorraine (France).
These nine partners joined forces to enable students and staff to study, teach and research in the field of responsible consumption and production with the long-term goal of a joined virtual and integrated European campus until 2040.
This is me
My name is Volkmar Kircher. I work for Montanuniversität Leoben in EURECA-PRO. There, I am the Lead Coordinator of the Research Work Package. I coordinate the common Research directions within our Consortium, the Research Task Force and the Open Access Team. We work on Open Science Events, joint publications, joint project submission and on the flow of research information into our EURECA-PRO study programmes. Moreover, I’m part of the curricular commission for our new study programme Responsible Consumption and Production

What are the unique characteristics of EURECA-PRO?
Montanuniversität Leoben is managing the EURECA-PRO project - this is more than a project, it’s a vision and a future university! We join forces with our strong EURECA-PRO partners to boost research and education towards Responsible Consumption and Production.
What is your vision for the future of EURECA-PRO?
I would love to meet open-minded, critical and well-educated graduates from our European University on Responsible Consumption and Production. I expect a change in research and education in our institutions within the next years and I am glad to be part of it.
What does your day as project manager look like?
In general, no day is like the other. But if I had to describe a typical day as a EURECA-PRO project manager I would say it starts with checking my calendar to see which meetings are scheduled for the day. The meetings take place together with our partners from all over Europe in order to coordinate our strategy and to further develop the European University.
Our team also goes on business trips and conferences quite regularly. It’s always nice to meet our colleagues in person and I value these experiences a lot.
Want to know more? Visit us online and on social media: www.eurecapro.eu